Caring Confrontation

In these times of so much debate and discussion about children’s vulnerability to bullying, ragging, aggression and other inappropriate behaviour educators have to be ready to explore all avenues for what can be done to find the best ways to minimise destructive and negative behaviours and replace them with good, healthy ways.

Whether as a child or an adult, a sense of alienation or ‘aloneness’ can be one of the worst and most debilitating feelings for anyone. In schools, despite the ‘crowds’ such feelings can come about in many ways, driven by a sense of competition, by a sense that only some can succeed in relative terms (for which others would inevitably have to ‘fail’ or perform less well.

A scarcity mindset can so easily create beliefs that success and achievement are limited and reserved for the few. I believe we need to develop a real, strong sense amongst our students that if they are in competition with anyone, it’s with “them out there”, the rest of the world and not with their colleagues inside the Shri Ram School community. In fact, all their interests can best be achieved if, within the community they are really there for each other, really giving each other genuine support and help, boosting each other up, helping ensure that all achieve to their highest potential.

With these thoughts in my mind i really loved this article from Educational Leadership online magazine, so wanted to share it.


Caring Confrontation