Teaching Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Academic Perspectives

Here’s a quick share.

I came across this freely available research digest that ought to be very useful for educators, both regard to the specific topic of education’s response to the pandemic, but also for wider access to academic materials on teaching and learning.

This first link takes you to a collection of 35 academic articles in the Journal of Technology and teacher Education, all related to the teacher responses to the pandemic:
learning and Technology Library – Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

The second link, from the same source is an E-book of ‘Stories from the field’ about how educators responded to needs for emergency remote learning support:
Learning and Technology Library – Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field – Ebook
(In both cases above, simply click on the link to have it open in a separate tab or window)